


Troposcatter communication, multipath propagation, spectral efficiency, diversity technique, broadband signal, orthogonal signals, pilot signals, Walsh basis, Walsh-Hadamard functions, M-sequence type signals, receiving device, information transmission rate, noise-eliminating coding


Background. In modern telecommunications, troposcatter communication systems organize long-distance communication. These systems allow communication beyond the line of sight. An important factor that must be considered in these systems is multipath, due to the physical principle underlying the functioning of troposcatter systems. Diversity reception and broadband signals are used to overcome this factor's negative impact. However, broadband signals use an excessive frequency band and are characterized by a low spectral efficiency.

Objective. The purpose of the paper is to develop a method for overcoming the negative impact of multipath by using composite signals on the Walsh basis.

Methods. Parallel composite signals provide simultaneous packet transmission of a group of signals built based on a complete system of mutually orthogonal Walsh-Hadamard functions. Each signal transmits one bit of information, but the parallel transmission of a packet of mutually orthogonal signals avoids decreasing the system's information transmission rate. To counteract the effect of multipath, pilot signals are added to the composite signal, as individual Walsh-Hadamard functions with better auto- and cross-correlation properties are selected. The advantages of composite signals in the Walsh-Hadamard basis include their spectral efficiency, which significantly exceeds the spectral efficiency of broadband signals. The paper describes a method for forming a composite signal on a Walsh-Hadamard basis with pilot signals and a functional diagram of a receiving device that provides optimal pre-detector addition of signals from four independent diversity reception channels.

Results. The method of forming the composite signal with pilot signals based on the Walsh-Hadamard basis is presented as a functional diagram of a reception device that will ensure optimal detection of composite signals from several independent channels of a separated receiver. The spectral efficiency of the composite signals is shown on the size of the Walsh-Hadamard vicor basis. The introduction of the pilot signals makes it possible to ensure the synchronous composition of signals received from several independent receiving channels.

Conclusions. The proposed technical solutions using composite signals in the Walsh-Hadamar basis make it possible to create troposcatter communication systems that provide operation in multi-path conditions, and the spectral efficiency of which significantly exceeds this indicator for systems using M-sequence signals, which allows increasing in the information transmission rate at the same frequency bandwidth or increasing their noise immunity by using additional noise-resistant coding at a fixed information transmission rate.


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