curved wave front, phase shift, radio source, the antenna system, the wavelength, angular direction, distance of the radio source, the method of Hooke-JeevesAbstract
Background. Despite the limited range, the device determines the location of the radio source along the curved front of the electromagnetic wave, allows using the diversity antenna system to solve the problem of the simultaneous
determination of range and direction of the radio source based on the curvature of the received electromagnetic wave front. For determining the calculation of the angular direction, a phase shift occurs due to the difference between the
received electromagnetic wave front and the range - due to the curved wave front. The problem is solved in two stages: the angular direction is determined on the first stage and the range - on the second one, - so the method has high accuracy.
Objective. Development of a method to simultaneously determine the location of the radio source by measuring phase shifts which in addition allows to improve the accuracy of the positioning.
Methods. The proposed method is based on the use of refined forms of formula to define a range and an angular direction by measuring phase shifts, including those due to the curved front of the electromagnetic wave. The sought parameters are determined by finding the unconditional extremum of the local nonlinear formula for determining the distance and angular direction method of Hooke-Jeeves.
Results. The proposed positioning method allows simultaneous determination of radio-frequency source parameters and improves the location accuracy compared to existing methods by 3-8%.
Conclusions. The method can be easily implemented in wide-band radio-frequency source searching devices of both existing and advanced telecommunication systems.
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