
  • Pavel Yermolov




The article is devoted to ontology for the knowledge portal on radio engineering and telecommunication history development. We emphasize the ontology for basic portal which consists of eleven classes: “researchers”, “researching techniques”, “sources”, “events”, “organizations”, “geographical location”, “memorial object”, “period”, “scientific result”, “branch of science” and “subject
under investigation”. The last three classes are represented as metanotions of portal subject ontology which include 19 first level subclasses and 60 second level subclasses. Inheritance and implication, as well as “class — data” dependences have been determined on the base of classes and subclasses. Thirty most actual associative dependences have been emphasized. The division of large sources (monographs and reviews) into smaller fragments and organization of subclass “quotations” in order to simplify the process of ontology development and to realize the most relevant search are proposed. Set theory tools and “two-level” concept of science and technology historiography as a metascience have been used in the process of formalization.


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