wireless sensor network, determination of coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks, robust estimation methodsAbstract
Background. Modern methods for determining the coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks allow solving the problems of determining the mutual distances between the elements of a wireless network under the assumption that the errors in measuring the mutual distances between network elements are distributed according to the normal law. With increasing requirements for the accuracy of determining coordinates, these methods do not allow solving the problem.
Objective. The purpose of the paper is to improve the accuracy of determining the coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks by using robust estimation methods.
Methods. Determination of coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks is implemented on the basis of two robust methods.
The first is the use of a median estimate based on multiple measurements of the mutual distances between elements to determine their coordinates.
The second is based on multiple measurements of the mutual distances between elements, determining their coordinates based on the Huber influence function and comparing two robust methods.
Results. The use of a robust method based on the Huber influence function makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks by 5-10% compared to classical estimation methods.
Conclusions. The proposed robust approach to determining the coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks can be implemented in modern ground-based sensor networks for various purposes.
Keywords: wireless sensor network; determination of coordinates of elements of wireless sensor networks; robust estimation methods.
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Alexander Lysenko. New strategies in using network osi layer in manet functioning, Usporiadateľ medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie:Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava ŠtefánikaKatedra bezpečnosti a obrany. //Oleg Sova, Valery Romanyuk, Anton Romanyuk, Inga Uryadnikova. 22-26.02.2016, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia. P. 359-365. ISBN 978-80-8040-515-1.
Alexander Lysenko. Features of unmanned aerial vehicles group dynamics and control, //Elena Tachinina, Inga Uriadnikova, Sergej Chumachenko, Irina Alekseeva. Usporiadateľ medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie: Akadémia ozbrojených síl generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika Katedra bezpečnosti a obrany. 22-26.2.2016, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia. P.391-397, ISBN 978-80-8040-515-1.
Аleksandr I. Lysenko. Hierarchical model of decision acceptance in intelligent manet control system// Oleg Y. Sova, Valery A. Romanyuk, Anton V. Romanyuk, Inga V. Uryadnikova, Science & Military, Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Stefanik, Liptovskiy Mikulas. No 1, Vol. 11, 2016. P.14-20. ISSSN 1336-8885(print). ISSN 2453-7632 (on-line). The journal Science & Military is included in the following multiple databases: EBSCO.
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