


millimeter-wave, bandwidth, IEEE 802.11ad standard, 5G networks


Background. The explosive growth in the use of mobile broadband is significantly increasing the bandwidth requirements. Millimeter-wave spectrum is necessary for 5G networks to achieve data transfer rates of the order of Gb/s, in particular, for the provision of 3D video services, and the use radio modules for millimeter-wave frequencies as picocells in the streets will expand the capabilities of existing cellular networks and provide an increase in bandwidth. Therefore, the study of the characteristics of this spectrum is an urgent task today.

Objective. The purpose of the paper is to present the results of studying the characteristics of a millimeter-wave radio link to ensure high-speed user access to IP data transmission networks and the possibility of using the IEEE 802.11ad standard in open areas.

Methods. Structural and functional methods of constructing a millimeter-wave wireless network in urban areas based on IEEE 802.11ad standard hardware are investigated.

Results. The studies were carried out using a test bench with a point-to-point topology deployed in an urban environment (Kiev) with the line of sight without significant obstacles. The studies tested the possibility of using for millimeter-wave hardware technologies of the IEEE 802.11ad standard, which is used indoors, for applications in urban areas.

The use of a narrow beam antenna based on an antenna array allows adaptive control of the radiation pattern to bypass small obstacles blocking direct transmission, which allows reducing interference and receive/transmit a signal.

Conclusions. Experimental testing of the hardware capabilities of the IEEE 802.11ad standard has been carried out. Scenarios for constructing a millimeter-wave radio link under various weather conditions have been worked out.

Keywords: millimeter-wave; bandwidth; IEEE 802.11ad standard; 5G networks


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