
  • Olexandr Lysenko professor of Telecommunication dep., Institute of telecommunication systems, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute", doctor of technical sciences, professor, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Miroslav Sparavalo honorary professor of Telecommunication dep., Institute of telecommunication systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, New York, USA.,
  • Olena Tachinina Professor of Department of Automation and Energy Management, Aerospace faculty, National Aviation University, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Valerii Yavisya Associate professor of Telecommunication dep., Institute of telecommunication systems, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", candidate of technical sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Sergiy Ponomarenko Associate professor of Department of Aircraft Control Systems, Institute of Aerospace Technologies, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute", candidate of engineering, associate professor, Kyiv, Ukraine,




satellite, micro-satellite, nano-satellite, satellite communications, cluster satellite of navigation and communications, orbit arrangement.


Background. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the approach to solving the global problem for mankind: the creation of satellite communications technology that does not pollute space with debris. Ultra-low-orbit satellite communication systems (ULO SCS) are communication systems with cluster (distributed) satellites that form a grouping (armada) of small, ultra-small, nano-, pico-satellites that move in orbits close to the dense layers of the Earth’s atmosphere (sliding on the upper edge of the dense layer of the Earth’s atmosphere - a sliding orbit). The motion in such orbit of a small-sized apparatus (provided that the engine is not started) leads to its rapid deceleration and complete combustion in the Earth’s atmosphere, i.e. complete orbit purification from space debris.
Objective. To justify the feasibility and the possibility of creating and maintaining the functioning of an economical, nonpolluting space, global satellite communications system built using small (mini-, nano-, pico-) satellites.
Methods. The theoretical approach is proposed that allows constructing the orbits of mini-nano- and picosatellites based on the use of the national design groundwork.
Results. The article developed a method for constructing ultra-low orbit clusters of nano-satellites (small satellites) to increase the efficiency of using aerospace systems when creating and maintaining the life cycle of ULO SCS.
Conclusions. The method of orbits arrangement by distributed satellites is described. The technological capabilities of Ukraine to implement the method using national aerospace systems are quantified. There is scientific, technical and technological groundwork in the field of AS in Ukraine - these are the “flying cosmodromes” of An-124-100 and An-225 airplanes.


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