
  • Larysa Globa Prof DSc. in Computer Engineering, IEEE Professional Member, Chair of Information-telecommunication Networks, Institute of Telecommunication Systems, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Maryna Popova PhD in Information technologies, Head of Intelligent Network Tools Department; National Center «Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,
  • Nataliia Yushko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Institute of telecomunication system Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Lela Mirtskhulava PhD, associate professor Iv. Javakishvili Tbilisi State University/San Diego State University Georgia Department of Computer Science Tbilisi, Georgia,



workflow, ontology, orchestrator, computer-aided design, microservices, Quality of Service, telecommunication


Background. The rapid development of technologies in various fields of business, including in telecommunications requires an increasing level of service provision, because the formation of a market for network communication services has increased attention to issues of quality control, both by regulators and by the providers themselves. In order to meet a given
level of quality of service, telecommunication operators develop algorithms and solutions for providing quality control services based on various criteria. However, these solutions are not universal for different types of indicators (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) of quality of service.
Objective. The paper presents the approach to automating workflows and their components (functional services, connections and rules of interaction) by designing processes based on computer-aided generation of both a set of services that are components of workflows and the sequence of their execution using ontologies. Ontology serves as meta-model of the workflow, services, subject domain and logical rules that establish relationships between functional services.
Methods. The implementation of the proposed approach was realized using an ontological modeling, workflow modeling standards and methods of computer-aided designing.
Results. An ontological model of service quality indicators was developed, as well as dynamically changing workflow that guarantees the quality of service control universality was designed. For computer-aided workflows generation the
software environment has been developed, the performance of which is tested on the example of workflow designing tool IT TODOS for developing and modifying ontologies and generating workflow scheme using BPMN.
Conclusions. The proposed approach makes the process of quality of service control more transparent and reduces the involvement of analysts in this process. Such an approach is flexible and universal for usage in any subject domain by uploading relevant data to the registers. It also provides the process of the quality of service control automation and the solution encapsulation enabling employees to use the solution provided at any level without the expert analyst involvement.


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