troposcatter communication, troposcatter link model, over-horizon tropospheric communication, atmospheric turbulence, artificial formations in the atmosphereAbstract
Background. At present, the demand in tropospheric over-the-horizon communication systems determines the inherent advantages of these systems over satellite and radio-relay systems of direct visibility, especially in combat and emergency situations. Although the fundamentals of the theory of tropospheric scattering were developed as early as the middle of the last
century, the development of over-the-horizon systems requires constant refinements of known theoretical positions in accordance with new data on the nature of tropospheric scattering, atmospheric inhomogeneities, capabilities of new methods for calculating and estimating radio propagation.
Objective. The aim of the work is to develop a radio link model of a trans-horizon tropospheric communication to study the possibility of controlling (improving) attenuation on such a route by changing the electrophysical characteristics of the environment, in particular atmospheric turbulence, or using artificial formations in the atmosphere.
Methods. The created model is based on the Ray-tracing method.
Results. A model of radio link losses in the over-horizon tropospheric communication (long-range tropospheric propagation) was developed, based on the ray-tracing technique in two versions: simplified, with homogeneous layers, and full, with a combination of blocks of structures of scattering spheres in each of the layers. A study of the possibility of improving attenuation along the
tropospheric scattering pathway by regulating changes in the electrophysical parameters of inhomogeneities and artificial formations in the atmosphere was conducted.
Conclusions. The convergence of the results of the simulation with the data obtained by known / traditional analytical models for calculating the losses on the tropospheric scattering path confirms the adequacy of the proposed model to the statistical data of the real losses in tropospheric scattering. The obtained results indicate that, for practical purposes, the accuracy of calculations of the
loss characteristics is sufficient and that they can be used to form a tropospheric dispersion route with significantly reduced loss values by artificially adding a certain liquid or solid substance to the atmospheric heterogeneity.
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